Tuesday, February 16, 2010

I'm going to make him an offer he can't refuse

I had to hunt to find this movie, which is weird considering its the 2nd greatest movie of all time. Mind you of course I live in Logan, Utah, but still. I went to Books of Yesterday on Mainstreet in Logan, because I am a poor college student and their rentals are only $1 for a week. Turns out though you get what you pay for the second tape doesn't work. So luckily for me this Sunday on AMC they had a Godfather marathon. I think God just wanted me to see this show edited, it makes a better Sunday activity.
Anyways... Its incredible and was well worth the hunt to find it. I am learning slowly though that the movies on this list aren't necessarily there for their content, although that is great, but they're on the list because of the controversy they caused. I figure most everyone has seen this show, although I hadn't, so I won't waste too much time with summary.
The Godfather follows the Corleone family and their "business." Marlon Brando plays the head of the house Don Vito Corleone and of course Al Pacino plays Micheal Corleone his son who inherits the business. Of course we all know that this is a mafia family, although the word is only said once in the movie. So Corleone has 3 sons and a daughter, Sonny, Fredo, Michael, and Connie. Here is basically their descriptions in a nut shell. Sonny is a crazy hot head, ends up dead. Fredo is a complete idiot, but he sets up a business in Vegas, the location of the 2nd film. Michael is the sweet war veteran who eventually becomes the worst and most violent of all. And then there is Connie, oh poor Connie. She is married at 18, gets pregnant quickly and ends up having the crap beat out of her by her husband. Vicious scene. So Vito in his old age won't make a deal with the new rising drug trade headed up by Sollozzo, because he thinks that is too dirty. Sollozzo is angry with the Corleone family for not supporting his business and tries without success to murder Vito. So Michael goes to kill Sollozzo to better the family business because after all its not personal its business. Then Michael goes to hide out in Sicily where he is happily married, but Sollozzo's men find him and kill his wife. He returns takes over the business once his father dies and shockingly kills off all the other heads. THE END.
The end shocked the heck out of me!!! Michael is so freakin' nuts by the end! Gotta love your main character being the worst of the bunch. I was also shocked however when Apollonia died. I wanted to cry a little inside for the loss of a perfectly amazing Sicilian girl. I of course have heard the line a million times of "leave the gun take the canoli" so I was very happy when I got to hear that, and of course the horses head is as classic as expected. I loved the movie, but then as I learned more about the making I began to respect it even more.
The Godfather was originally suppose to be a cheap quick movie, Francis Ford Copolla's specialty, but because of the filming location it caused a great deal more drama. NYC is never a cheap place to film, but its even more expensive when you have the actual mafia working against you. In order to be able to film without constant distractions Hollywood had to allow the mafia to read the script before the first scenes were filmed. It was at the demand of the actual mafia that the word mafia never be used in the script. Not only did they require this, but they also made Hollywood hire some of their own men to act in the film. That just makes it all the more legit!! So with all of this dealing the FBI didn't really approve, but who cares about them right!? A great film is so much better than whatever the FBI thinks.
I recommend this movie to anyone, mind you I did miss out on some of the violence since I did see it on TV, but the pregnant beating was enough for me. I can't wait to watch the second in the series, because I hear it is loads better than the first. Well Casablanca is up next and I am super excited. My brother tells me that it should be the first on the list.