Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dignity, Always Dignity

I know I know its been forever, but I have been watching movies and just picked up another. So before I watch it I have to tell ya'll about the classics I have already watched, namely Singin' in the Rain! This is one of my family's favorites and for understandable reasons.
So to begin Singin' in the Rain was done by MGM in 1952 co directed by Stanley Donen and the great Gene Kelly. Gene Kelly was also the top choreographer and the STAR! I love Gene Kelly and his ability to make difficult athletic dance look so effortless. His feet just flow, and if you are an MGM fan than you probably have already seen Anchors Away, but that has some of the greatest dancing. Of course the classic scene is "Singin' in the Rain." That clip always makes me want to get caught by police for singin' and dancin' in the rain.
Little fun fact for you, Debbie Reynolds couldn't dance before this movie! Did you know this? I was shocked. She does such a good job for an untrained amateur. This is probably due to the fact that she lived in the dance studio for weeks so that Gene Kelly could properly train her. And from what I have heard of Gene Kelly he was intense. I am impressed that Debbie could survive such a dance boot camp. She said her feet in fact bled and she passed out. Oh all in the name of great movies! Also this is one of Debbie Reynolds early films. She was a little too immature for such a great part. In fact that part would have been logically suited for Jean Hagen, otherwise known as Lina Lamount. She was a seasoned actress who should have been the star. Small parallel drawn between reality and what was portrayed on the big silver screen.
Another fact I found out about while researching the film was made in 1952, which is about the time the television became a big competitor for Hollywood. In Singin' in the Rain talkies become the new thing in Hollywood that changes the face of film. The parallel drawn makes the show that much greater and I can't help but love it even more.
Oh there are so many things I could say even more about this show, but instead I'll give you my top favorite songs.

1.Singin' in the Rain
Ok it was to be expected, but I can't bear to put it any lower. Its too great!
2. Make 'Em Laugh
This song makes you realize that Donald O'Conner is the coolest! When he takes 3 steps up that board you gotta get on your knees and worship the man. That was no stunt double, that was the real deal.
3. Good Morning
Debbie Reynolds is so cute in this number, and I wake up singing this song...or stay up late singing this song. It truly appropriate for any time of the day.
4. Moses Supposes
Straight up great dancing. That's all it needs to be.
5. Fit as a Fiddle
So it may seem weird that I have this one up in my top 5, but if you watch the whole montage that it is in you'll understand. Dignity, always dignity.
6. Broadway Melody
This clip is random to me in the middle of the show, but I get so carried away in it that when it ends I think the show is over. I would probably be ok with that ending. And oh my can I just say Cyd Charisse your legs are amazing!
7. All I Do Is Dream of You
This is a catchy song and you'll be singin' in for days if you listen to it. Be warned.
8. Would You?
This is starting the decline. I don't really like this song. Done well, but not that great. At least its short.
9. You Are My Lucky Star
This song on the other hand is way way way too long.
10. Beautiful Girl
Why is the the bottom you ask? Weird. Straight up weird! "Anyone for tennis?" I mean what is that? I'm sorry the posed girls can't even hold their stance. Ugh. ha ha! You'll get a laugh I am sure.
Next to talk about is Gone with the Wind. Be tellin' you about it soon...very very soon.