Thursday, March 25, 2010

Raging Fool

So I had saved Raging Bull to watch when I had sufficient time. I also racked up crazy fines for it, but I thought it would be worth my time. FALSE! So I started to watch it and it looked like it was going to be sweet. Its rated R so clearly I knew the language wasn't going to be great, but I was not prepared for the epic Scorsese De Niro combo. I only watched for 15 minutes before I had to turn the show off. I mean I listen to Dane Cook and the Breakfast club is my favorite movie, you think I would be able to handle the f word a few times, however I was sadly mistaken. When I was sick and tired of it I said one more time and I'll turn it off. We didn't even make it 30 seconds without it happening again. So that was the end of that.
Great films should also emcompass great writing. One word repeated as often as it was in Raging Bull was not intelligent nor worthy of the 100 greatest films of all time. Now I can appreciate that Scoresese likes to show low income citizens as they truly are, but I think that does a disservice to the low income families. They gotta be better than that. Ugh! Awful.
So if anyone knows an edited version they can loan me I am up for it. Thank goodness Singin' in the Rain is next. I love that movie.